Heritage Shunters Trust

Current Fleet Status
Come and see the fleet most weekends throughout the year, at our depots, at Peak Rail, Rowsley, Derbyshire.
You may travel to this location by a heritage train, steam hauled from Matlock on selected days. Please see Peak Rail's timetable for more details and times. By paying a visit and making a donation, you will be helping to restore and maintain the most comprehensive collection of BR shunting locomotives in the World!

D2953 (Class 01) Now been in preservation for circa 31 years. Has been cosmetically restored twice, and on the second occasion the opportunity to replace the right hand running board was taken as the previous one had suffered heavy corrosion, due to the tank for the spark arresting system installed by the oil refinery it was based at, Thames Matex, later Van Ommeron, Essex. The loco is in line to have major cosmetic surgery as corrosion is bending and warping the body plates and is putting undue stress on retaining bolts and rivets, which at the very least will have to be removed, all corrosion dispelled and all bolts and rivets replaced. So much movement has been caused by excess corrosion that it has cracked all the three rear windows!! The cab doors are getting tired and will need repairing or replacing as will the cab floor. The loco will also require a full repaint.
After saying all that, the loco starts first time, always on the button, and apart from a few niggles is fine mechanically. Usually Stabled in the big shed.

D2854 (Class 02) Another long term performer, and probably the best 02 in preservation. Painted about 7 years ago, she has that patina as so many shunters had when in regular use in BR days, she is clean but a little bit dirty if you know what I mean? She was re-engined, with a brand new power unit while at C.F.Booths and although seized when first received from there, she has been a pretty faultless performer and continues to be so (Hope I'm not tempting fate!!) Usually Stabled in our big shed.

D2866 (Class 02) Bought from the Caledonian Rly Soc at Bridge of Dun, its fair to say as a kit of parts, as the power unit was frost damaged and had to be replaced. The torque convertor also needs overhauling. A start was made about 10 years ago to restore the loco, but work ground to a halt when it was realised that the loco would need a full rewire before other work could take place. The main reason for this being that most of the conduit carrying the main power cables are situated directly under the power unit. The conduit was so corroded it was impossible to draw out the old cables from these so new trunking had to be made including bending to fit. New cables have to be yet installed before the power unit can go in. We are not over burdened by competent reliable electricians so this has caused a delay. Numerous other parts have still to be fabricated for the loco including a radiator fan cowling,four engine room doors and other smaller bits and pieces. A new cab floor will be needed, as will new side window units as the others have rotted out. Because of the extensive amount of work/parts required, the loco always seems to get moved further down the queue, but one day her turn will come. Usually to be found in our Running shed in storage. Note; spares for this class of loco are not easy to find if at all, the most common donor for these are probably the Yorkshire engine built "Janus", class but these are by no means a common machine any longer.

D2868 (Class 02) Another 02, and suffering the same basic problem as D2866 it has a frost damaged engine. A stitch repair on the engine was none too successful, so the owner has procured a replacement Rolls Royce C6 power unit. Not a common item to find as the engine has to be the normally aspirated version, as opposed to one with a turbo charger or a super charger, these versions will not fit in the engine bay due to the extra protruberance. The loco is waiting it's turn in the queue, and can usually be found in our shed yard.

03027 (Class 03) One of the earliest built 03's in preservation, and the only one in our collection which sports the witch's hat type chimney. The loco requires many now missing parts, and is in long term storage, usually only seeing the light of day when the sheet is rolled back on the occasional open day. Many would probably say it would be kinder to scrap it as its also resting on scrap tyres as a testament of it working at Queenboro dock with its very tight curves in places. The trouble with that of course is once its gone, its gone forever, and while we may never have the time or resources to restore it, who knows who or what the future may bring?

03099 (Class 03) An ex coking plant loco. The invoice was quite correct which arrived for payment before the loco could be collected, as it said "As and where laying" It was doing just that when we arrived at the closed Monckton(Hebburn) coking plant as it was sat on sleepers without any wheelsets underneath it!! A hectic weekend saw it jacked up, wheelsets reinstated and the loco duly delivered to Meadowhall, Sheffield, to start the long task of restoring it back to working order. It aquired the nickname of "Edale" which is beyond Hope? (I hope the joke isn't wasted on you!) Seven years later, mainly working outdoors at Meadowhall, the loco was to all intent and purposes restored, but after a further fifteen years or so is requiring cosmetic plating repairs under the cab doors and along with other repairs a full cosmetic overhaul. Usually runs in Galas.
03113 (Class 03) Rescued from Milford Haven Maritime Museum as it was about to be scrapped, when "elf and safety" dictated it had become a liability as children were using it as a climbing frame. Another mammoth restoration task, but well worth it as its probably one of the (if not the), best presented 03's in preservation, and also restored from rolling wreck condition. The ex Scarboro Station pilot where it was a long time pet loco, it has been restored to just as it was at Scarboro all those years ago, in Rail Blue, and is now a regular performer when we have Diesel Galas. Usually stabled in the Brightmore Building.

D2139 (Class 03) Another ex coking plant loco which also finished its working life at Monckton Coking Plant. TRUST ME!, they never looked after any of the locos there!!, and this was another loco rescued in appaling condition. This 03 was an Adams S.Wales, hire loco and was withdrawn and sold by British Railways, before the advent of the Rail Blue era. It was a long time Western Region engine, spending most of its BR life being allocated to 85A Worcester shed. It has been painstakingly restored to its Mid Brunswick green livery, and every detail has been recaptured, even down to such detail as its Western Region lamp brackets. This is certainly the best presented green liveried 03 that is in preservation. Usually stabled in the Brightmore Building.Usually runs in Galas.

03180 (Class 03) After being sold by BR from Norwich Crown Point to Mayer Parrys at Snailwell (previously called Kings of Snailwell), nr Newmarket, the loco was then used to shunt redundant coaches and DMU's into the firing tunnel. The loco is quite rare, as it was a dual brake 03 (The only one in our collection) and was allocated to Bournemouth. This is probably the last loco in the country, that survives in her original "Rail Blue"livery. A power unit has been sourced and many missing pieces, before the long restoration process can begin. It's fair to say that if parts were available off the shelf, then given we could afford them this would probably shrink the restoration time by at least two thirds, but I suppose this can be said of anything being restored, be it train bus lorry, boat or anything else in the preservation sphere. Usually found in open storage with a tarpaulin over it, between the two sheds. I well remember collecting parts up for it that were scattered round their yard, loading them onto a Transit pick up for delivering to Meadowhall. We called in at the Nene Valley Rly, on the way homefor a break, (I had seconded my nephew in law to accompany me) It was Christmas week, and the look on the Santa Special customers faces when we pulled into the yard!! (Shades of Steptoe & son). Happy Days.

D2199 (Class 03) The very first 03 to be aquired for our collection and an amazing survivor. I say this as it was originally a London Midland Region Loco, being finally allocated to 12C Workington in Cumbria. It was bought by the NCB sent to Doncaster works where in 1976 was transformed to an air brake only loco at a cost of £18,750 way back then!! (I know as I have the original BR bill). I digress, after a couple of moves to various Barnsley pits it finished its working life at Royston Drift, shuttling up and down a 150 metre length of straight track, moving merry go round wagons. It was smashed up by pickets in the miners strike of 1984, to render it unusable, and was delivered in this condition to our old base of Attercliffe, in the very attractive dark petrol blue NCB livery with its title on the cab sides, sign written "NCB Rockingham Colliery No.1" in straw coloured letters. (I believe Bachmann are going to produce a oo guage limited edition of the loco in this livery). After restoration it was hired out several times, notably to the Channel Tunnel after their lorry fire, and also to Hanson aggregates at Machen Quarry S.Wales, where its probably fair to say the loco was well abused and returned in an appaling state. It is planned to restore the loco to its Dark Blue NCB livery when its turn comes around. Usually to be found stored in the Brightmore Shed. Potentially could run in Galas again, but will probably be held over till the above work is done.

D2205 (Class04) Currently undergoing extensive repairs, which has seen it have most of the bodywork replaced! Aquired from a member of, and from the West Somerset Railway, is was clearly evident by it's appaling condition that it had not been their No.1 priority! Being a member of the very first small batch of 04's, that were built with 3'3" wheels, this was the main reason for aquiring the loco. At the time of writing (23/07/16), the power unit is now running very sweetly although the bodged throttle cable fitted before we got it is preventing the fuel pump governor functioning correctly. This is to be replaced with one of the correct pattern. Work has also included overhauling the air compressor and after running, various air leaks have been found in the loco, and rectified (Work still ongoing), in its "shake down" trials before finishing the painting. Usually to be found in the Brightmore Shed.

D2229 (04 Class) A long term resident at Brookhouse coking plant, then Manton Colliery at Worksop the loco was added to the collection circa 1990, while at Meadowhall. Amazingly in all that time very little work has been done on the loco, other than a tidy up of the paintwork. Some examination of the mechanical condition of the power unit, found low oil pressure, and I believe an attempt was made to get her running , but apart from that very little other work has been done. Quite rare, because of the simple fact that she was built by Vulcan Foundry, with 3'6" wheels of which there are only two other survivors from this large batch, these being D2245@Shackerstone and D2246@the South Devon Railway. Usually to be found in open storage between our two sheds covered by a tarpaulin sheet.

D2272 (Class 04) Yes, i hate to admit it, but this loco looks worse in "the flesh", than she does on the photos. Another amazing survivor, and a little known fact is that it is still fitted with most of the equipment (A proper BR job) for mutiple working, back to back with another 04. In fact its that long ago that this happened that there are very few people around that still remember it. Named "Alfie", from its days of working at Blackburn Coal Depot, it is now suffering the ravages of time, and corrosion, but I have seen worse, Just!!
The loco can be found with a tarpaulin cover over it in open storage, usually between our two sheds.

D2284 (Class 04) The very first ex BR loco from NCB Wooley Colliery near Barnsley to join our trust, beating the 01 into our collection by just a few weeks. She has been a very reliable performer over the ensuing years, until the rear output shaft on the final drive sheared. The cause of this has been attributed to a design alteration which didnt allow for any slippage in the fly cranks, and eventually sheared the said shaft. Very luckily a replacement shaft was sourced, but entailed buying the entire carcass of the industrial loco the shaft was in!! Six years or so has elapsed working on this sporadically until a final push over a two year period, saw the loco's repair completed. Usually to be found in the Brightmore shed. Now basically in running order (unless you know different!), but yet to be tried on guardsvan shuttles in anger. I believe the loco is eagerly awaited by a few "haulage enthusiasts".

D2337 (Class 04)Named "Dorothy", by the Manager of Manvers Main Colliery, after one of his daughters. At the present time, the loco has power unit issues and suffers from low oil pressure, so it's not prudent to use it while the problem exists. Its joined the never ending queue (Please come and join us, and help to reduce the waiting list!!) It's planned to eventually reinstate its NCB yellow livery, when it can then again carry its name emblazoned on its cab sides in light blue paint, "Dorothy" (Usually located in storage in the Brightmore shed).

D2587 (Class 05) What a beautiful looking loco to look at, in this the final version of the Hunslet built 05's, but what an absolute "monster"to drive! (Well I didn't think it was really right to describe it in my usual words, as I'm publishing this!) Three variants of this weird and wonderful class. On this particular version the front middle marker lamp has to be swung down out of the way with its conduit attached, to allow for opening the radiator doors! What an after thought. Another noticeable feature is the width of the cab doors, which would have severely limited the number of stout (read over weight) drivers entering the cab at all, unless they were physically thrown through the sliding cab windows!! Yet another design innovation is the emergency clutch foot pedal, which can probably be easily operated if you weigh 20 stones plus, so a bit of an anomally there then! Usually found in open storage between our two sheds but with a protective tarpaulin cover over it.

D2420/06003 (Class 06) Another absolute gem is the 06. Their traditional stamping ground was Scotland, and basically designed for negoiating tight curves in dock complexes etc. 06003 was from a class of 35 and is the only one to survive today. Built by andrew barclay of Kilmarnock, this is very much a supersized version of the 01. Fitted with the well proved Gardner 8L3 power unit, (As were the classes 03, 04 and 05). This particular example survived, because there was a requirement of the Signal works Dept at Reading to replace their small Ruston diesel mechanical shunter. It arrived from Scotland to find very little work at Reading although it was renumbered into a departmental as 97804. It's withdrawal saw it acquired by Booths scrap merchants at Rotherham. Recognising it's great historical significance a syndicate of three members of the South Yorkshire Railway (which developed into the Heritage Shunters Trust) acquired the loco for the formative collection, and after also passing through the hands of a loco dealer rejoined the collection some five years ago. Currently found under restoration in our running shed. She is being restored to British Railways green livery as D2420 (See John's Blog for further information).

D2985, (07001) stands in the rain @Southampton Docks circa early 70's. You may be able to spot the Russian cargo ship in the background, and the torpedoes in racks, and I'm allowed to walk around??
D2985/07001 (Class 07) What a contrast after the 06! One of the newest aquisition to our Trust's fleet. Designed to marshall Ocean Liner Trains, and general shunting duties at Southampton docks and later in the surrounding area, a later development saw a few of the class dual braked, of which this is one such example. Usually in running order (although like most women she definitely has her moments, and if human would definitely be a woman!!) and to say rather uncomfortable and awkward to drive may be something of an understatement. Usually found rostered in our Galas, she is kept in the Brightmore shed.

D3023/08016 Withdrawn from Newton Heath (the photo was taken at Redbank Carriage Sidings, while the loco was allocated there), it subsequently went into Industrial use at Wakefield, and came to us at Meadowhall, directly from there. It has done stirling work for our group, and is looked after with all the care and devotion, that an early 08 deserves. The loco has recently been equipped with a new set of batteries ,and is a good, solid ,reliable performer on our Galas. Usually to be found stabled in the Brightmore shed.

D3665/09001 One of the very few locos in our collection, which was directly aquired from the main network, and yet another first of the class. Bought from Doncaster Carr locoshed, by a syndicate of our members, she is now owned by the Trust. A small amount of collision damage, to the rear buffer beam has now been expertly repaired and the reinstatement of its compliment of 6 marker lights on each end with related conduit has all now been completed by a team led by Gary Hibbs (Thanks Gary). Apart from other routine maintenance she has also had after a ballot of our members, a very nice paint job back into EWS colours, Thanks to a small team led by Mr David Shore,Thanks Dave! (Im not biased but it ought to have been Rail BLUE!!!) A very reliable performer now that she has a new set of batteries, and usually found along with many others in our Brightmore shed.

PWM 654/97654 Bought from Jarvis Rail at Edinboro, before their subsequent demise. The loco arrived at Rowsley approximately 10 years ago. She has been painted in to Rail Blue, and has had the donkey engine (which starts the main engine), replaced. She is a relatively reliable performer, but doesn't like being stored for long periods without being used, as the electrical contactors then stick (she does have her moments). The light blue teddy bear on the front of the loco, came as part of the deal, and this has been "cosmetically restored "in my washing machine at home, and subsequently returned to the loco. Still known by some (Who don't know any better), the loco is unofficially named "Wee Tuggy", its one of the downsides of spending time in Scotland!! Usually to be found in the Brightmore shed, and a very popular loco, with enthusiasts, as they were notoriously hard to find on the Western Region, when we were trainspotting in those Halycon days, all those years ago.

"Bigga"our resident industrial loco, she has now been in our collection, for 30 years plus, and has done stirling shunting work, at our previous homes and at Rowsley. Currently going through a very protracted overhaul, it is planned to make this one of the next locos we complete. It has been a very reliable loco, and easy to use for yard shunting. Currently in outside storage between our sheds, with a protective tarpaulin sheet over it.