Heritage Shunters Trust

In Colour
Thanks to fellow HST Member Alan Paterson, for sharing these photos with us. All taken down the side of the loco shed at Manvers Main in march 1976. From the top to the bottom; D2213, D2209 & D2338, and which is coincidentally, just about one from each of the main three batches of 04's, constructed for British Railways, by Vulcan Foundry and Robert Stephenson & Hawthorn respectively, and all of course sadly no more.

08830 Peak Rail's shed yard 7/03/17. The 08 has been brought round from the storage sidings with the intention of returning it to running order. Privately owned but put at Peak Rail's disposal it will be a very useful addition to the motive power department of the railway, as among other things it is dual braked. Theres plenty of work wants doing on the loco, to bring it up back into working order. It seems to have been neglected at Crewe Heritage Centre. While on the main system it worked its entire life from different depots on the Western Region. Withdrawn from Cardiff Canton(CF) in March 1991, it seems to have had a rather checkered career since then, so it will be nice to see it up and running once again, and doing the job they were so admirably designed to do.

D9539 on loan from Ribble steam Rly at Peak Rail June 2016

Can't wait to see the combination of D2953 the 01, built in 1955, with the 04 D2205, built in 1953, on brake van shuttles, over 120 years of classic shunters!!

Taken at the last Gala in June 2016, shows the two main shunter types built by Ruston of Lincoln for British Railways. The inimitable 07 cosies up to PWM654 in our shed yard @ Rowsley.

Also at the same Gala, the 01 and 02 get ready to head a train going south. Doesn't that sound good? It's only at the other end of our sidings!!

Copyright J.Wade
D2332 Lloyd, If I could have totally had my pick of exBR locos to preserve this would have been in my top six. Dirty, uncared for and shoddy, she was never even put away in the shed, suppose that's a good job as I wouldn't have been able to phot it as much. Thurcroft Colliery in the Socialist Republic of South Yorkshire or rather it was then! Taken circa early 80's.