Heritage Shunters Trust
The Heritage Shunters Trust are always looking for new members to join the group.This is the most comprehensive collection of ex British Railway Shunting Locomotives in the Country.
The group needs membership monies to help fund the acquisition of shunters from both home and overseas, and to help overhaul these shunters together with shunters that are already owned by the Heritage Shunters Trust.
Members receive regular issues of 'The Coupling Rod' magazine which has Heritage Shunters Trust past and forthcoming gala news, stock overhaul news, photos, members articles and lots more.
Members can also volunteer to work on the locomotives at weekend, we provide free PTS (Personal Track Safety) training.
Given that you can match the basic criteria needed we also train people to second man and drive our locos, on running days.
If you would like to become a member, please download the membership application form
Or email shunter.membership@gmail.com including your full name, address, email address and contact phone number (mobile preferable). Please advise within that email if you are able to Gift Aid your membership fee and/or any donations you wish to kindly give to us, or, if you cannot or would prefer not to Gift Aid any monies.
For ease you can now pay by bank transfer, which saves you money from paying by cheque and the postage involved, our bank details are as follows:
The South Yorkshire Railway Co Ltd
Sort Code: 30-97-51
Account number: 04641013
Please see our membership fees below.
Once your membership fee as been paid, you will receive your membership number with the next available Coupling Rods magazine which is posted out.
N.B. Heritage Shunters Trust is the trading name of The South Yorkshire Railway Co Ltd.